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A member registered Sep 23, 2021

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I have been following since it first appeared on Vampyou. An amazing journey it has been. Some scenes really hit hard. As well as me calling 1 scene back when Ashe was revealed.

Question, ever think of adding in small little fights as just a normal vampire. Like the arena stuff is nice seeing her sprite change. Or maybe just some game play like fight X amount of people and than gameover. Would love to play a nosferatu or Batite.

Dang my money. Can't wait to add to the dnd book for this as well.

I remember these from vampyou...these were amazing. I think the succubus one was one of my favorites.

I can ask a few friends who helped another person compress their game down by alot and try to send them your way. If you are on discord we can talk from as that is how I met them.

Can't wait to sink my teeth into the finale...pun intended.

For enemies also so can do a monster manual.

Really just a list of skills and  abilities that are in the game. Just so I can attempt to translate.

Hey mkru, loving the game. I also had a question as well. I like to create small dnd modules and this seems really fun? Mind if I ask you for some help. Not asking for anything money wise either. I just love to create stuff.